Have you ever seen a ScruffaLuffalant before?
They’re magic elephants don’t you know and, there’s one in the garden right now. Catch her quick and see if she makes your wishes come true. Hold her tight and close your eyes then whisper this in her ear .....
“Elephant Smelliphant, I love my ScruffaLuffalant.”
OK here she is ......
approx height 11 inches (27 cm)
Yarn needed
c1 (pink) 8 ply yarn (200 - 300 grms)
c2 (purple) 8 ply yarn (small amount for soles of feet)
c3 (blue) 8 ply yarn (50 grms)
c4 (eyelash yarn for ears etc. approx 100 grms)
c5 ('fluffy' yarn to compliment the blue. approx 50 grms)
c6 (mauve) 8 ply yarn (small amount for tusks)
small amount of yarn for flowers - pattern here - http://littlecottonrabbits.typepad.co.uk/free_knitting_patterns/knitted_flower/
3.00 mm (No 11) needles or the size you feel will give you the right tension which should be soft enough to cuddle but tight enough to hide her 'insides'!
First leg
cast on 24 sts using c1
st st 8 rows
9th row - K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
10 th row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows twice more. (21 sts)
Work 12 rows st st.
Break yarn and leave these 21 sts on stitch holder.
Second leg
cast on 24 sts using c1
st st 8 rows
9th row - K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
10th row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows twice. (21 sts)
Work 12 rows st st.
Inc in first st and knit to end of row,
Turn and cast on 12 sts,
Turn again and knit across the 21 sts on the stitch holder. (55sts)
beg with a purl row work 27 rows st st.
Next row - K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
Next row - P1, P2tog, p to end
Rep last 2 rows once more (51sts)
Next row - Cast off 6 sts, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
Next row - P1, P2tog, p to end.
Rep last 2 rows 4 more times. (11 sts)
Cast off.
First leg
cast on 24 sts using c1
st st 8 rows
9th row - K1, sl 1, K1, psso, knit to end.
10th row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows twice more. (21 sts)
Work 12 rows st st.
Break yarn and leave these 21 sts on stitch holder.
Second leg
cast on 24 sts using c1
st st 8 rows
9th row - K1, sl 1, K1, psso, knit to end.
10th row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows twice more. (21 sts)
Work 12 rows st st.
K to end and Turn
cast on 12 sts, turn
K across sts on the st holder, inc in last st. (55sts)
beg with a purl row work 27 rows st st.
Next row - K1. sl 1, K1, psso, K to end.
Next row - Purl to last 3 sts, P2tog, P1
Rep last 2 rows once more (51sts)
Next row - K1, K2tog, knit to end.
Next row - Cast off 6sts, purl to last 3 sts, P2tog, P1.
Rep last 2 rows 4 more times. (11 sts)
Cast off.
If I have remembered rightly how I did this so far you should now have 2 pieces that when placed together purl side to purl side have all the toes facing in the right direction.
Now for the inside legs.
First Back leg
cast on 24 sts using c1
st st 8 rows
9th row - K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
10 th row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows twice more. (21 sts)
Work 12 rows st st.
K one row
Next row - cast off 7 sts, purl to end.
Next row - Knit.
Rep last 2 rows once more.
Cast of the remaining 7 sts.
Second Back leg
cast on 24 sts using c1
st st 8 rows.
9th row - K1, sl 1, K1, psso, knit to end.
10th row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows twice more. (21 sts)
Work 12 rows st st.
Next row – Cast off 7 sts, k to end.
Next row – purl
Rep last 2 rows once more.
Cast off remaining 7 sts.
First Front leg
cast on 24 sts using c1
st st 8 rows
9th row - K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
10 th row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows twice more. (21 sts)
Work 12 rows st st.
Next row - Cast off 7 sts, k to end.
Next row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows once more.
Cast off remaining 7 sts.
Second Front leg
cast on 24 sts using c1
st st 8 rows
9th row - K1, sl 1, K1, psso, knit to end.
10th row - Purl
Rep last 2 rows twice more. (21 sts)
Work 12 rows st st.
Knit one row.
Next row – Cast off 7 sts, p to end.
Next row – Knit.
Rep last 2 rows once more.
Cast off remaining 7 sts.
You should now have 4 inside legs that match the four outside legs, toes all facing in the same direction. If you don’t then sorry, heaven knows what I’ve done wrong ...... If you ‘frog’ it now you could knit a lovely scarf!
BODY GUSSET (make 1)
Tail end
Cast on 3 sts with c1
Work 2 rows st st.
Inc at each end of next row and following 4th row (7sts)
Purl 1 row
Inc at each end of next row (9sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 3 rows.
Back leg shaping
Dec 1st at each end of next row and foll alt row. (5sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 3 rows.
Dec at each end of next row (3sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 11 rows.
Inc at each end of next row and following 4th row (7sts)
Purl 1 row.
Inc 1st at each end of next row and foll alt row. (11sts)
Tummy shaping
Starting with a purl row st st 13 rows.
Front leg shaping
Dec 1st at each end of next row and foll 4th row. (7sts)
Purl 1 row.
Dec 1st at each end of next row and foll alt row. (3sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 11 rows.
Inc at each end of next row and following 4th row 3 times in all (9sts)
Purl 1 row.
Work 2 rows st st.
Dec at each end of next row (7 sts)
Purl 1 row.
Dec 1st at each end of next row and foll 4th row. (3sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 3 rows.
Cast off.
Start pinning all the pieces together to make sure everything is fitting and doesn’t get lost. It’s also not too late at this stage to start that scarf.
PADS (make 4)
Cast on 6st with c2.
Work 2 rows st st.
Inc at each end of next and foll alt rows until you have 12 sts.
Starting with a p row st st next 9 rows.
Dec at each end of next and foll alt rows until you have 6 sts.
Purl 1 row.
Cast off.
Cast on 15 sts with c1
Work 2 rows st st.
Next row – Inc in all sts (30 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 3 rows.
7th row - *K1, inc in next st, rep from * to end (45 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 3 rows.
11th row - *K2, inc in next st, rep from * to end. (60 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 3 rows.
15th row - *K3, inc in next st, rep from * to end. (75 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 17 rows.
Next row - *K3, K2tog, rep from * to end. (60 sts)
Purl 1 row.
Divide for gusset
1st row - K24, turn.
Cont on these 24 sts.
2nd row - P2tog, purl to end (23 sts)
3rd row - K to last 2 sts, K2tog (22 sts)
4th row - P2tog, purl to end. (21sts)
5th row - (K3, K2tog) 4 times, K1 (17sts)
Break off yarn leaving these sts on end of needle.
Rejoin yarn to remaining sts,
1st row - k12, turn.
2nd row - Purl.
3rd row - K2tog, k to last 2 sts, K2tog (10 sts)
4th row - P2tog, p to last 2 sts, P2tog. (8 sts)
5th row - K2tog, k to last 2 sts, K2tog. (6 sts)
Break off yarn leaving these sts on end of needle.
Rejoin yarn to remaining 24 sts,
1st row - Knit
2nd row - Purl to last 2 sts, P2tog (23 sts)
3rd row - K2tog, k to end (22 sts)
4th row - Purl to last 2 sts, P2tog (21 sts)
5th row - (K3,K2tog) 4 times, K1 (17 sts)
6th row - Purl across all sts (40 sts)
St st 2 rows.
Trunk shaping
1st row - (K3, K2tog) 8 times (32 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 3 rows.
5th row - (K2, K2tog) 8 times (24 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 7 rows.
13th row - (K1, K2tog) 8 times (16 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 25 rows.
39th row - (K1, K2tog) 5 times (11 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 7 rows.
47th row - (K2tog) 5 times (6 sts)
Starting with a p row st st next 3 rows.
Cast off.
Cast on 8 sts with c1
St st 28 rows.
Break off yarn and join in c4
Knit next 2 rows.
You should now have swapped the st st sides and have the ‘fluffy’ side on the right side. (does that make sense?)
Cont in st st for a few more rows until you are happy with the length of the ‘tuft’
Next row - (K2tog) 4 times (4 sts)
Break yarn and thread trough remaining sts. Fasten off securely.
TUSKS (make 2)
Cast on 8 sts with c6
St st 14 rows
If you want longer tusks just knit more rows, shorter knit less.
Next row - (K2tog) 4 times (4sts)
Break yarn and thread trough remaining sts. Fasten off securely.
First Ear (make 2. one in c1, one in c4)
Cast on 18 sts.
St st 2 rows.
Next row - K1, inc in next st, knit to last 2 sts, inc in next st, k1. (20 sts)
Next row - Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 3 times (26 sts)
Next row - knit to last 2 sts, inc in next st, K1 (27sts)
Next row - Purl.
Rep last 2 rows twice. (29 sts)
St st 6 rows.
Next row - Knit to last 2 sts, K2tog (28 sts)
Next row - P2tog, purl to end (27 sts)
Next row - Knit to last 2 sts, K2tog (26 sts)
Dec at each end of every row until 18sts rem.
Cast off.
Second Ear (make 2. one in c1, one in c4)
Cast on 18 sts.
St st 2 rows.
Next row - K1, inc in next st, knit to last 2 sts, inc in next st, k1. (20 sts)
Next row - Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 3 times (26 sts)
Next row - K1, inc in next st, k to end. (27sts)
Next row - Purl.
Rep last 2 rows twice. (29 sts)
St st 6 rows.
Next row - K2tog, k to end (28 sts)
Next row - Purl to last 2sts, P2tog. (27 sts)
Next row - K2tog, k to end. (26 sts)
Dec at each end of every row until 18sts rem.
Cast off.
THE END ....... now you should have a pile of bits to sew up. Hopefully all your toes are facing the right way and everything should be able to be pinned snugly together.
At this point you are probably wishing you had started that scarf!
First –
Join the inner legs to the outer body pieces at the sides ONLY. Leave the bottom open to attach the soles of the feet and the top to attach the gusset. Make sure all the toes are facing forward.
Next –
Sew the soles of the feet in place with the cast-on and cast-off edges placed at the front and back of each foot.
The fiddly bit –
Pin in the gusset with cast on edge to the back, cast off edge to front. Match the leg shaping in the gusset to the inner legs. The gusset should be stitched to each side of the body and to the inner legs. A bit fiddly but worth a bit of perseverance to get it right.
Next –
Join the front seam of the body pieces. At this point I find it easier to start filling and moulding the feet and belly before sewing up the back seam. When you’re happy with the amount of filling and with the shape sew up the back seam stuffing the rest of the body as you go. (NB the taller part of the body is the shoulders, the shorter is the butt!) Your ScruffaLuffalant should be quite happy at this point standing squarely on all four feet even if she/he has no head!
Now –
Stitch together the head and gusset seams and join the seam under the head and trunk. I would start stuffing and moulding the trunk at this point. I think the next part is one of the most important. Placing the eyes. This is the part that will determine if your toy is going to be called cute or freaky! Once the eyes are attached and the head is stuffed and sewn up there’s no going back so spend some time making sure you get the ‘look’ that you are happy with.
Once the eyes are positioned the face can be moulded by running a stitch from the base of each eye down to the chin. Use these stitches to make slight ‘sockets’ for the eyes to sit in. Fasten off securely.
Attach head to body
Tusks –
Join the row ends, stuff and mould into shape. Figure out where you want to place them on the face and then make slight indentations like the eye sockets you made but this time passing a stitch from one side of the face to the other. Sew on tusks once you are happy with the placement.
Tail –
Join row ends and attach to butt. I use a soft toothbrush at this point to gently brush out the ‘tuft’
Ears –
Sew ears together with the ‘fluffiest’ side being the right side and placed at the back of the ear (as can be seen in the photo)
Feet –
Cast on 48sts with c4 and st st a few rows until you have the amount of ‘ankle’ fluff that you are happy with. Cast off and attach purl side out, to each foot.
Head tuft –
Cast on 4 sts with c4,
k 3 rows.
K2tog at both ends of next row. (2sts)
Fasten off securely and sew to top of head.
Jacket –
(NB you are going to need 2 separate balls off c5 for this)
With c5 cast on enough sts to comfortably cover the back. I use 20-25 normally (see photo)
Knit 4 rows
Next row - k4 sts, join in c3 and knit to last 4sts, join in second ball of c5 and k to end.
Next row - k4 sts, using c3 purl to last 4 sts, using c5 knit to end.
Next row - k4 using c5, knit to last 4 sts using c3, using c5 knit to end.
Cont in this way until you have the length you are happy with to cover the body. End on a purl row.
Next row - knit across all stitches using c5.
Knit 4 rows.
Cast off.
Sew jacket to body and decorate how ever you wish, buttons, charms, flowers, what ever you wish ..... the sky is the limit.
I hope this all makes sense and I haven’t made too many horrendous mistakes. If I have, I hope you’ve managed to ‘fudge’ your way through them.
I’d love to see photos of your creations even if you ended up going with the scarf idea!